Audio indicators

Each line of dialogue has a waveform indicating the state of that line’s audio. Grey means that there is no audio for that line, Blue is generated audio and Green is user recorded audio.

Previous and next buttons

The previous and next cue buttons will jump cue line for your next or previous lines. If your line is the first line in a scene, MyLine will start at your line.

Top button

The top button jumps back to the top of the the current scene.

Prompt button

The prompt button is active when the currently playing line is muted. Pressing the prompt button once will restart the current line, but will play the audio. If the prompted line finishes, the run will continue to the next line. Pressing the prompt button again while prompting will restart the prompted line, this time muted again (ie. restart the line run as normal from the start of the prompted line).

My Line audio

This will let you select how you want the audio for your lines. The options are “Playing”, “Play, then mute” and “Muted”. “Play, then mute” will play the line twice. Once with the volume up soo you can hear the line and once with the volume muted so you can practice saying it.

Currently, in the basic version of MyLine, the app does not wait for you to say your line, but waits as long as the audio for that line plays. In future versions, the app will wait for you to say your line before going to the next line.

Character Voices